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Headz.ca is 100% focused on delivering the highest quality medical marijuana products, best customer service and fastest delivery to help patients across Canada. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve, please feel free to let us know!
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Every time you buy online over $200.00 or more, you will receive express shipping for the world’s best marihuana products delivered directly to your door - FREE!
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Headz.ca is a First Nations owned provider of plant medicine. We have a long tradition with many plant medicines and wish to heal with our traditions. Headz asserts themselves into the medical and recreational cannabis markets, as per their inherent treaty rights. We have worked extensively in healing programs with our peoples in Treaty 4 and Treaty 6 territories on the prairies. Plant medicine, and especially cannabis, is proving to be an effective harm reduction method when dealing with the current alcohol and opioid crises that plague our nations.
We are also interested in supporting our brothers and sisters who wish to enter the cannabis market. We are working to create and facilitate relationships between top quality Craft Cannabis producers and First Nations who wish to provide their communities with top quality cannabis products. Headz.ca has a demonstrated history of sourcing and producing some the best cannabis products on the Canadian craft market. Our professional group of growers, producers, and retail sales professionals can surely assist your First Nation to provide top quality cannabis to their communities. First Nations have a right to exercise an inherent aboriginal and treaty right to govern its citizens and lands that is recognized and affirmed by, inter alia, Articles 4, 20, 24, 34 and 35 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (UK), 1982, c I l, and is protected by Treaty in Canada.
The near extinction of the plains bison in the late 19th century, coupled with Canada’s assimilationist policy toward Indigenous peoples, led to the adoption of agriculture by several First Nations in what is currently Saskatchewan. By the early 1880s, First Nations had developed innovative farming techniques and successfully planted new test crops. These achievements drew the ire of settlers who bristled at the potential for competition. Canada responded to their concerns by enacting a series of oppressive rules and regulations that suffocated agricultural development on reserves. Today, cannabis presents a new and legitimate economic opportunity. Penalizing Indigenous communities for pursuing it would be unconscionable. Headz is pressing federal and provincial governments to create a legislative and regulatory atmosphere that fosters cannabis-related economic development within our Indigenous communities.
Craft growers with the support of First Nations providers were at the forefront of change in Canada’s cannabis policy for the last twenty years and have now been largely excluded from the attempted corporate takeover of the burgeoning Canadian cannabis industry. First Nations cannabis companies like Headz.ca are perfectly positioned to ensure good quality cannabis, and therefore good medicine, is being provided to all communities in Canada. We at Headz are proud to be a part of what will certainly be the bright spot in Canada’s troubled start at making quality cannabis products available to all Canadians, while providing the first opportunity of this new market to go to First Nations with a desire to grow with this wonderful plant.